“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”
The crew is rebuilding the Heraclitus in Roses, Spain. Skilled volunteers are invited to apply to participate. Crew structure and spirit is maintained during the construction, which is led by Captain Claus Tober, and Expedition Chief Christine Handte, both of whom have sailed with RVH for over 25 years and have extensive experience with previous drydocks.
Many people work with the RVH restoration, including local professionals, the original Ecotechnics builders and RVH alumni.
Over forty years, hundreds of aspiring managers, ecologist, artists and explorers have joined the crew. The skills we’ve acquired on this very unique ship are many: sailing, navigation, small group dynamics, public speaking, interactions with multiple cultures, direct contact with the forces of nature (an experience all too rare in the modern world except in catastrophes!). Many have gone on to make important contributions in the worlds of ecology, science, and management. Their time on the Heraclitus has left an indelible positive mark on their personal journeys.
Sea People “Ready, Willing and Able!”
We are committed to offering those opportunities to the next generation.
At sea, the Heraclitus offers an experience of a lifetime: an opportunity to participate in genuine adventure and exploration of oceans and cultures, expand one’s horizons, and find new sources of inspiration. Participants learn to live in a small group, get to know other cultures, develop speech and movement skills, and develop expertise in technical aspects of ship maintenance. All crew members fully participate in the daily operations and ship’s work.
Information and application form for new crew: